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Covid-19 - New Rules in France

Since Monday, August 9, 2021, a Health Pass must be presented in certain public places in France : BUT NOT HOTELS!

Visuel 1 -Y guide des bonnes pratiquesY-1500-500

New health rules were put in place this Monday, August 9 and concern all adults 18 years of age and over. From September 30, children aged 12 to 17 will also be affected.

For information, or as a reminder, the Health Pass is not required for access:

  • to our hotels for accommodation,
  • in our breakfast rooms,
  • as well as for take-out.

On the other hand, in establishments with a restaurant, since 09/08, it is requested (to the hotelier's clientele, and to those outside the establishment) to present a Health Pass valid for lunches and dinners:

  • in the restaurant (indoors and on the terrace),
  • and at the bar (indoors and on the terrace).

Also, for access to the spa, gyms and swimming pools (indoor and outdoor), a Health Pass is also required.

You are free to choose one of the following as Health Pass :

  • A complete vaccination justified by a QR code to scan,
  • A negative PCR or antigen test of less than 48 or 72 hours depending on the places visited,
  • A certificate of recovery from Covid-19.

#Together, we are stronger: respecting barrier gestures and physical distancing rules remains essential for your safety and that of others ! Thank you for facilitating the procedures for our hoteliers who apply the standards imposed by the Government.

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